Lodging Options
Cloudcroft hosts great accommodations in the mountains: free and paid camping, charming cabins, or a unforgettable Lodge.
Cabins and Hotels
Cabins at Cloudcroft
Summit Inn and Cottages
Spruce Cabins
The Lodge Resort
For a complete list of hotels, cabins and lodges, check out the Cloudcroft, NM Tourism website.
Option #1: RVs/Hookups/Showers/Bathrooms
Option #2: Tent or RV Camping at a Licoln National Forest Campground - PAID
**We recommend The Pines Campground, as the race course runs right through it.
Option #3: Dispersed Camping on Forest Land - FREE
Anyone can camp in forest land
Make sure your vehicle is not more than 300ft off the road
Recommended Spots
Forest Road 568, this is the jeep road hill climb in the High Altitude Classic race course.